Final Tutorial
Today I had my final tutorial before I finish editing my film. I have begun mixing up the roles of the Support Worker and Homeless Man in my initial interview scene so was quite keen to get some feedback on this.
Split Screens
I have included some overlapping clips one set in which the screen is split horizontally with an extreme close up of the Support Worker's eyes on top, and Homeless Man's eyes on the bottom of the screen, and one in which the screen is split vertically with the Homeless Man's shadow on the left and the Support Worker's shadow on the left of the screen. For each of these clips I cropped the images and used the edge feather tool to further emphasise the divide between the two images on screen. The edge feather tool created a slight black border around the outside of the screen as well is separating the two images which Rod suggested made the whole clip stand out from the overall feel and style of the rest of the film.
This is a screen grab of the eye clip with the edge feathering.
I really liked having the divide in the middle of the two clips as I felt that this created a distinction between the two and neatened up the divide in shots, Rod agreed but felt I needed to experiment with different techniques aside from edge feathering in order to create this middle divide and prevent a blackened boarder around the outside. For my last film, I used a slug behind the clips as a way of keeping a black background if I re sized the clips to neatly fit the screen. I decided to put a slug on top of the two clips and then crop it down to a small strip, I then used the edge feather tool on the slug soften the box. This however then made the slug smaller at the top and bottom so I had to increase the size using the scale tool. The results are shown below and look much better than before.
This is a screen grab of the shadow clip with the slug layered on top.
This is a screen grab of the eye clip with the slug layered on top.
Cross Dissolves
I have also included some long dissolves between clips to show both of my actors almost merging into one. I wasn't too sure about this and Rod agreed saying that it differed from the overall aesthetics of the rest of my film as I am not using transitions elsewhere. I have decided to remove these entirely which is quite a good result as it means that there will be less time rendering! I am going to carry on experimenting with different ways of showing the merging of roles between the two characters.
Interview Audio Mix Up
Towards the end of the first interview scene, I have used an extended clip of the shadow split screen (showed in the above screen grab) and have begun mixing up the interview questions and responses. Although you can just about make out when each character is talking in the shadow clip, you can't lip read so the audio sync being slightly out doesn't really matter. I have mixed up the interview so first the Homeless Man will ask a question (in the role of Support Worker) to which the Support Worker will answer from the position of the Homeless Man, then the roles will switch. The switch over happens three times during this clip as there are quite a few questions with yes or no answers. Rod felt that some of the audio was unclear as the responses are often only one word answers. There is also a real distinction between the audio I'm using for the Homeless Man's response (in which he IS playing a Homeless Man) and the Support Worker's responses this is because the audio for the homeless man comes from a shot in which Mike is facing the camera and I am directing the mic at him face on, whereas the audio for the Support Worker comes from an establishing shot in which the mic is directed at both actors rather than Lewis. I am going to take some audio from a shot I have of Lewis that is framed and recorded in the same way as the shot of Mike. This should cancel out the real distinction between shots.
Overall the feedback was really positive, leaving me feeling confident about my progress and the coming deadline for submission. I am hoping to have finished my visual edit by the end of the weekend, leaving me plenty of time to work on my audio which I am beginning to think will be quite a complicated task as I need to adjust the volume and levels on each clip and reduce the echo.
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