Thursday, 19 April 2012

Editing Week 4: 9th April - 15th April 2012

This week I had my final tutorial with Rod which was really useful and made me feel confident about my progress and the development of my project.


I began doing a bit of work with the sound. Some of the files were in mono format rather than stereo, this was a problem I had with my film Scopo Networking last term. Luckily I remembered how to fix it. I unpaired the two sound clips at the bottom and deleted the one with the minimal, quieter sounds. I then copied the other clip and pasted it back onto the time line, moving it back into position before repairing the two clips. I also began adjusting the levels because at the moment some of the clips are extremely loud in comparison to others.

I need to work on reducing the echo in the initial interview sequence between Mike and Lewis as at the moment it dominates the vocals making some words hard to distinguish. I am going to work on this once I've completed my fine edit.

Fine Edit

I began working on my final edit this week following the completion of the rough edit. I have really been looking forward to this part of the production process as this is where I can be a bit more creative with the visual aspect of my film. So far I have included some split screen shots as shown in my previous blog entry. I have also started switching the roles of the characters so in some clips Mike is behaving in a very stereotypically homeless way - answering questions talking about a history of homelessness and a heroin addiction, behaviours we have come to expect from a homeless individual, in other clips he is acting as a support worker, asking Lewis's character the questions from the night shelter admittance form. The shadows I captured are working very well and I have been able to crop the physical character out of the image leaving just the shadows - again as shown in my previous blog entry. I have also started experimenting with mixing up sound clips from different clips so cutting between Lewis and Mike asking and answering questions. This works quite well with the shadow split screen clip as you can't tell that the clips are out of sync with the original footage.

I have had to step back a bit from my editing this week in order to get on top of other deadlines so haven't made that much progress. I am aiming to have finished my fine edit by next week so I have a full week to work on the adjustment and quality of my sounds.

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