Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Editing Week 2: 26th March - 1st April 2012

This week I didn't make much progress due to focusing on other commitments and deadlines. I have begun work on my rough edit and have completed the first half - the interview between the homeless man and the support worker. So far this is going well and I am pleased with my results.

I have noticed a further problem with sound in some of the footage from the second interview between the estate agent and the support worker. The first few clips captured on Fin's camera have no sound - I think this must have been where I forgot to turn the microphone on. As Fin's camera only has one output and this was taken with the microphone connection, we were unable to simultaneously record and listen to the sound so didn't notice this! Luckily we were filming on two cameras so I have spent a lot of my time this week attempting to synchronize the sound from different clips. This has worked really well and isn't noticeable but has proven to be quite a time consuming task.

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