Friday, 24 February 2012

First Draft Script

Below is a copy of the first draft of my script. I am having a read through with my two actors on Sunday so will get a better idea for how well it works and what needs changing, where stage directions etc can be added then. I have also made some actual night shelter questionnaires based on the ones I had to fill in during my time as a Support Worker. I will upload some of these shortly.


SUPPORT WORKER (SW) is sat at a small table. HOMELESS MAN (HM) enters the room puts a cup of tea on the table and slides it over to SW before walking out of shot.  SW looks at the cup tentatively, and then looks around confused, before blowing on it and taking a sip. HM walks back over to the table holding several sheets of paper and a pen. HM sits at the table opposite SW and begins talking.
HM:    Right, I’ve just got some routine questions I need to go through with you before I take you back down to our sleeping area. Is that okay?
(SW looks confused)
HM:    Okay. Right can you tell me your name?
SW:     James Rose.
HM:    Okay James, and how old are you?
SW:     27.
HM:    What’s your date of birth?
SW:     15th May 1984
HM:    Do you know you’re national insurance number?
SW:     (pauses) I’m not telling you that. What’s going on? Why are you asking me all these questions?
HM:    It’s just part of our policy. We have to do this with everyone. Don’t worry, it’s all private and confidential.
(SW looks doubtful)
HM:    Okay so, what was your previous address?
SW: I don’t know. I haven’t lived there for ages.
HM:    No worries. What was your reason for leaving there?
SW:     What do you mean my reason for leaving? I moved on. I didn’t want to live there anymore!
HM:    Alright. And do you have a previous history of homelessness?
SW:     I’m not homeless. I have never been homeless. I have a home.
HM:    Okay sorry, let me re-phrase that. What brings you to our night service this evening?
SW:     I...I...I don’t even understand what is happening. I’m here because I.. Well... I guess I needed somewhere to go?
HM:    That’s fine. Are you currently claiming any benefits?
SW:     No!
HM:    Is that something you may want help setting up?
SW:     No of course not!
HM:    That’s fine. Are you currently taking any prescribed medication?
SW:     No.
HM:    How about any non-prescribed medication?
SW:     What?
HM:    Anything you didn’t get over the counter or from the doctor.
SW:     No! What is this?
HM:    Just routine questions. Everyone who stays here gets asked these questions.
SW:     Have you answered them?
HM:    Why would I need to answer them?  (pauses) Okay, let’s get back to it! Are you currently suffering any medical problems?
SW:     (muttering) This is ridiculous! No!
HM:    And what do you think are the main risks to yourself as a result of your homelessness?
SW:     (shaking head) I am not. Homeless!
HM:    Fine, what do you think are the main risks to yourself while you’re staying in the night service?
SW:     Loosing my mind? Having to deal with people like you?
HM:    Right, come on. Calm down. We’re nearly finished! Do you need any help or additional support with any of the following: addiction?
SW:     No.
HM:    Mental health?
SW:     No.
HM:    Budgeting?
SW:     Nope.
HM:    Housing?
SW:     Noo.
HM:    Additional support work?
SW:     No
HM:    Legal advice.
SW:     Maybe after dealing with you! (pauses, then sarcastically) No.
HM:    Benefits?
SW:     No.
HM:    Anything else I haven’t mentioned?
(SW shakes his head)
HM:    Great, well that’s all done. If I can just get you to sign here (gestures to form) and date it. Then I’ve just got to do a quick risk assessment form with yourself and I’ll take you back downstairs!
(SW signs the form)
            Okay I’m going to describe a behaviour and I need you to tell me whether you feel there’s a high, medium, or low chance of you displaying that behaviour.
SW:     Fine.
HM:    Bullying.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Being bullied.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Violent behaviour towards a lone worker, like myself.
SW:     Low.
HM:    That’s good to know! Arson.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Racism.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Self harm.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Self neglect.
SW:     Low. This is getting ridiculous!
HM:    Nearly finished. Relapse.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Danger to children.
SW:     (shakes his head, exasperated) Low.
HM:    Violence to the opposite sex.
SW:     Low.
HM:    Suicide.
SW:     High if this doesn’t end soon! (looks at HM then sighs) Low!
HM:    Harassment.
SW:     I’m sure that’s what you’re doing to me right now! (pauses) Low.
HM:    And finally, vandalism.
SW:     Low. Are we done now?
HM:    Yep. I just need to show you these (passes over sheet with rules and regulations on it) I just need you to read these then sign the bottom to say that you’ve read and understood them.
(SW signs the forms then passes them back across.)
            Thanks. Right let me show you around then we can set you up a bed!
HM stands up and leads SW back out the door.

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