Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Evaluation of the production of Scopo Networking

My previous film, 'Scopo Networking' has had some really positive feedback and I am really pleased with the finished result. I feel that I have learnt a lot from the production of this film and am going to use this knowledge when producing my next film.
I encountered a number of issues throughout the production of 'Scopo Networking':
  1. Time Management:  Although I began production quite quickly, I still feel I could've organised my time a lot better. I wasn't particularly confident about tackling a film completely independently and I think this caused me to postpone my initial shots. My filming was also dragged out over quite a large space of time, part of this was due to one of my actors double booking on a certain day, and having problems hiring the drama studio in which lots of the filming took place. The editing process also took a lot longer than expected and some of the feedback I've received from my tutor was that some of the footage was too repetitive and could've been cut. I feel that if I'd allowed more time for post-production, I could've reduced my film more and tightened up certain elements of the edit. I am going to have work really hard to manage my time effectively, especially if I am planning on producing a film as well as working on BBC Second Screens.
  2. Effective Saving and Management of Footage: I had some issues with saving and accessing my footage throughout the post-production stages of Scopo Networking. I was saving all of my footage onto an external hard-drive, with some of it backed up further on a friend's hard drive also. This enabled me to work on any Mac that was available, which was particularly handy as the deadlines drew closer for various modules. However, my clips weren't labelled and some of the folders on my hard-drive were a bit confusing making it hard to locate where the clips had been saved. At one point it became apparent that I'd saved some of my footage onto a particular computer rather than my hard-drive which meant I had to copy them onto my hard-drive from the computer then reallocate them on Final Cut Pro. Although this process wasn't particularly complicated it was time consuming and unnecessary.
  3. Sound: The sound in Scopo Networking is all diegetic. It revolves around the sounds of the computer room/desk space, and the music and voice overs provided by the video blogs. However, some of the footage had a horrible hissing sound, some didn't. As a result, the sound is quite uneven with several spaces were there is an element of total silence. Although some of the feedback I have had has suggested that this isn't a major problem, it is something I would like to prevent from happening in my next film. I think this relates back to time management again. If I had allocated more time to post-production, I could've had a condensed period to focus on sound alone and could've taken advice from others as to how best to balance the sounds.
I really enjoyed producing Scopo Networking, and I feel it has really boosted my confidence and prepared me for my next film project, and hopefully the many more that will follow that! I particularly enjoyed experimenting with lighting and different elements of editing and hope to continue with this in my next film.

Below is a link to Scopo Networking:

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